
As sustainability and the circular economy are becoming more important in the cycling industry, media are increasingly covering the subject. The press has an important role to play in the transition to a sustainable, circular cycling industry as we wrote in From marginal gains to a circular revolution:

Managing the transition: Media

The media have an important role in telling the story of new sustainable products that will be developed over the next few years. They too can help to accelerate the transition, by simply asking manufacturers about the steps they are taking to create product that fit in a circular economy.

Writing stories about the necessity of the transition, as well as about new developments, will inspire both businesses and consumers. Media have the ability to create the required public support by favouring and praising brands that try out new designs, materials and business models.

Accepting that failure is part of the journey, will hopefully encourage journalists to think beyond a clickbait title such as ‘eco-friendly option not as good as standard option’ and write honest stories about both difficult and exciting developments.

Interviews featuring Erik

Erik is frequently interviewed for articles and podcasts by worldwide magazines and websites. His open mind about the issues that the cycling industry is facing, as well as his clear visions on how to solve them features in all of them. From professional cycling to e-bikes for commuting, sustainability is important everywhere.

These are some of the best:

Global Cycling Network

‘Circular revolution’: Transforming cycling into a more sustainable industry

Fever Talk Ep.4 - Shift Cycling Culture

On this episode of Fever Talk – Sustainability the Cyclist’s way, Maghalie chats with Erik Bronsvoort and Sandra Brandt of the non-profit organization Shift Cycling Culture.


Radfahren gilt als eine nachhaltige Verkehrsform. Wie nachhaltig ist die Fahrradindustrie?


Why is carbon fiber so expensive? Revelations about this much-misunderstood material

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‘Circular revolution’: Transforming cycling into a more sustainable industry

We spoke to Erik Bronsvoort of Circular Cycling to learn more about his efforts to promote sustainability and a circular economy in cycling By Tom Hallam-Gravells at GCN Erik Bronsvoort promoting a ‘circular revolution’ © Erik Bronsvoort / Circular Cycling At face value, bicycles are a green mode of transportation. Governments around the world have […]

Verduurzaming in wielerindustrie versnelt, maar slechts stapvoets

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Wie die Kreislauf- wirtschaft die Fahrradindustrie verändern könnte

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UCI equipment rules could hold the key to sustainability

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Over seven million reflectors are fitted to bikes every year – are government requirements just a giant waste of plastic?

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Pedalling Into a Green Future

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De Tour de France finisht dit jaar op een vulkaan. Niet iedereen is daar blij mee

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EUROBIKE 2023: „Ein Vortrag, der zum Nachdenken anregen soll“

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How to be a Greener Cyclist

Cycling Weekly, October 2022, by Hannah Bussey How to be a greener cyclist – Hannah Bussey looks at how we, as cyclists, can contribute even more to the upkeep of the planet Recently I sobbed over an irreparable puncture. Ugly big tears fell after multiple stressed phone calls to my partner, a taxi journey, and […]

RIDE Magazine: Man en fiets

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How Shift Cycling Culture aims to make the bike industry more sustainable

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Podcasts & Video

Fever Talk – Sustainability a Cyclist’s way

influencers! – Erik Bronsvoort

Bike Europe – Sustainable Moves

Race for the Future: Sustainability and Cycling

Mobility Week on New Business Radio



Podcast – How Sustainable is the Cycling Industry

Circular Cycling in de podcast bij Mapmeisters

Check this Press page for more information.